Quick start#
Looking to start your project quickly? Just unzip the medicare-v1.0.0.zip
. We have precompiled and packaged everything in the pages
directory for you. Start editing the pages/starter.html
with a text or code editor, save it, and open the file in your favourite browser to see the changes.
Setting up Build system#
Unzip the medicare-v1.0.0.zip
to any folder and open a command line or terminal at that location.
theme's dev tools require Node and Git . If you do not have them in your machine, please install their latest stable version from their corresponding website. As you have Node and Git installed and accessible from your terminal or command line, install Gulp CLI package
globally with the following command:
npm i gulp-cli -g
When you’re done, install the rest of the theme’s dependencies with:
npm i
Now run:
Running gulp will compile the SCSS, transpile the javascript, copy all required libraries form node_modules
to the corresponding pages/assets/
directory and will open a browser window to pages/index.html
All of the following folders are monitored for changes, which will tell the browser to reload automatically after any changes are made:
Now you can edit any html file from pages
, change SCSS variable with _user-variables.scss
, or write your own SCSS code in scss/_user.scss
command will discard and regenerate all the files in following directories:js/bootstrap/
Hit Ctrl+C
or just close the command line window to stop the server.
Happy editing!

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Mon – Sat 07:00 – 21:00
We are open on

brigham and women's hospital
75 francis street, boston ma 02115
General information: 671-732-5500
New Patients: 800-294-9999