Research Data Management and Sharing Policy
The Centre for Advanced Medical Research and Training (CAMRET), Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto Research Data Management Policy sets out the requirements that researchers and research students must observe in the management, preservation and sharing of research data. Details of the policy and mode of compliance is available as a handbook, which can be collected at the office of the Deputy Director (Research and Services) upon request.
The Centre supports that publicly funded research data are a public good, produced in the public interest, which should be made openly available with as few restrictions as possible in a timely and responsible manner.
Researchers and research students have a responsibility to take care of the data they collect while working and studying at the Centre, and to manage them in accordance with any relevant funders’ policy. In particular, researchers are required, wherever possible, to preserve and share data that support published research findings by depositing them in a suitable data repository.
All research at the Centre, however it may be funded, is undertaken as part of our mission to promote wider social and economic benefit. We believe that the sharing of data supports open scholarly enquiry, promotes transparency in research, and allows for the greatest possible benefit to be realised from the resources invested in research.
Research data, by being well managed, can generate benefits for the Centre, University and researchers in terms of greater research impact, enhanced reputation, and increased return on investment.
Information Security Policy
The Centre, in accordance with the University regulation recognises the need for researchers and students to have access to the information they require in order to carry out their work. The Centre also recognises that the information it manages must be appropriately secured in order to maintain its reputation for trustworthiness, to protect the institution from the consequences of breaches of confidentiality, failures of integrity or interruption to the availability of that information and to comply with the law and to comply with contractual agreements.
The policy applies to all information for which the Centre and the University has a legal, contractual or compliance responsibility, whether that information is stored or processed electronically or by other means (the Information). Moreover, the policy is concerned with the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the Information (the Information Security). The policy applies to the equipment, systems, credentials, etc. that are used to access the Information, safeguard Information Security, or could have some bearing on Information Security (the Information Systems). The policy also applies to all staff, researchers, students or any other person or organisation having access to the Information or Information Systems.
Please visit the office of the Deputy Director (Research and Services) to get a copy of the Information Security Policy Handbook. The handbook contains the details of the policy and other aspects related to consequences of non-compliance, key principles and requirements, and high-risk data and sensitive information.

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Centre for Advanced Medical Research & Training
Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital
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